News & Events

"Solve the People Puzzle" Portland Workshop | TalenTrust

Written by talentrust | Mar 14, 2016 9:25:24 AM

TalenTrust CEO Kathleen Quinn Votaw was thrilled to conduct the second of this year's "Solve the People Puzzle" workshops at the Vistage Executive Summit in Portland last week. The theme of the summit was "Bold Leadership." The goal of the Vistage Executive Summit is to help CEOs, executives, and business owners gain a 360-degree view of their company and leadership style, shift perspective on their most pressing business issues, and achieve a plan of action for business growth.

Attracting And Retaining Talent Featured In Kathleen’s Workshops

As a long-time Vistage member, Kathleen was honored to share her thoughts on attracting and retaining talent—a top priority for all Vistage members. From her own experience running TalenTrust, as well of years of interactions with other executives, Kathleen has realized that the issue isn't whether or not CEOs know that people are their most valuable asset and are critical to growth and success. It's that they struggle to put this knowledge into action and to find, keep, and grow the best.

This realization led to the founding of TalenTrust as well as the publication of Kathleen's recent book, Solve the People Puzzle. The Portland Vistage Executive Summit workshop featured key ideas from the book and engaged leaders in thinking about a new kind of recruitment strategy. Instead of thinking about recruitment as a business process, Kathleen encouraged participants to see it as more akin to a sales process—in which you funnel down candidates from your talent pipeline to end up only with those best suited to your culture and company.

The great questions and audience engagement during the workshop were inspiring, and Kathleen can't wait to continue to conduct the remaining workshops at Vistage Executive Summits all over the country. To date over 50 CEO’s have attend each workshop with Kathleen and the reviews keep pouring in!

“Kathleen is engaging and relevant.”

“Great content and helpful examples.”

“A great resource.”

Request your own copy of the book, Solve the People Puzzle, here so you can benefit from some of the same insights and actionable advice that Kathleen shared with the Vistage members.