Who wouldn’t hire a person with these qualities on the spot? Apparently, many of us. Way too many of our veterans, who embody all of this and more, remain unemployed.
These traits were compellingly described in the words of Paul Huszar, President and CEO of VetCor, and LTC, U.S. Army (retired). He has dedicated himself to hiring mostly vets in his water restoration business and speaks nationally about the benefits of hiring veterans. One of my colleagues met Paul recently and arranged a meeting. As a long-time proponent of recruiting veterans myself, I was impressed by his expertise about the many benefits vets bring to an organization, including financial ones. I’d like to share some of his knowledge and expertise.
The Benefits of Hiring Vets
Culture- and operations-based benefits that increase overall productivity and boost morale include:
Financially-based benefits that reduce costs for training and overall compensation include:
Unnecessary Challenges
Our population of veterans is shrinking, from the nine percent who served on active duty and in the National Guard at the end of World War II, to just one-half of one percent who serve today. This means that the American public—and our elected representatives—are increasingly removed from our men and women in uniform. Maybe it’s that chasm of alienation that creates stigmas about veterans that are simply not true. Or maybe it’s a mindset that urgently needs adjusting.
Young people in the armed services are like anyone else: they want purpose and opportunity, and they hold their leaders to high standards. Military training and experience develop skills and capabilities that are highly transferable to business—along with character that adds value to the culture of any business. Middle-aged retirees offer exceptional leadership experience and ability that helps them meet performance goals. Put any fears to the contrary to rest.
Vets represent the melting pot Americans are so proud of and the diversity that’s been shown to increase productivity and profits in companies nationwide. Companies should be snapping them up! We say that we honor our military institutions, but we’re becoming less willing to honor our vets with what they need most: a job.
This holiday season, I’d like to say thank you to our veterans whose efforts and commitment ensure our safety and express our values at home and across the world. I hope you will join me in not only thanking them for their service but hiring them as valuable members of your talented team.