Valuing sexuality while keeping our heads
I believe in men and women leading together. Everything is better when we do. That said, if you're a woman you probably have a #metoo story of one kind or another. Me too! And that fact complicates things. My fear is that if we don’t keep our heads and resolve workplace harassment issues together,...
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Resolve to value the things you can't measure-like people
In the age of the internet, we think we're pretty unique when it comes to dealing with big change. But did you know that the quote, 'The only thing that is constant is change,' was first said in about 500 BC by Heraclitus of Ephesus? The reality is that from fire to Facebook, "we the people" have...
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Exit autopilot and hit refresh
We regularly refresh our memories, our screens, our drinks... Too often we let our relationships drift into autopilot, especially our closest ones. This is the time of year we start thinking about what we'll do better to improve our lives next year. Lose ten pounds and get more exercise are at the...
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Gratefulness and Grace. A short letter of Thanksgiving.
All year long, I dig in and drive TalenTrust to the next goal. A good trait in some ways, but it often makes me forget to slow down and remember all of the meaningful things I've done in my life so far, the wonderful people who've taught me along the way, and how much fun I've had. I'm thankful...
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How to make workplace diversity happen with big benefits
One of the many factors that the best and brightest weigh before accepting your job offer is the level of diversity in your company. The candidates you want most on your team understand that the highest performing, most engaging companies are some of the most diverse. And that’s where they choose...
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Building a killer culture for generations B to Z
If you’re thinking “enough about the five generations in the workplace” you’ll be wise to think again (and again) about how you can prepare and thrive as Gen-Y (Millennials) and Gen-Z replace retiring Baby Boomers. Ignoring differences in generational expectations and preferences is no longer an...
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