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June 2024 Jobs Report

On Friday July 5th, the U.S. Labor Department released their June Employment Report.

Key Insights:

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The June Employment report exceeds expectations in job creation/payroll growth. Forecasts were for 190,000 new payrolls, while the actual number was 206,000 added. 

Growth was seen across 8 of the 11 industries, however the majority of growth was in Education & Health Services and Government.


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The unemployment rate experienced a slight uptick, rising by 0.1% to 4.1%. This increase is primarily attributed to a higher labor force participation rate, as more individuals entered the job market, seeking employment opportunities. The rise in participation is a positive indicator, suggesting renewed confidence among job seekers about finding work.

The gap between open jobs and available workers closes yet again with 1.3 million more job openings than workers as compared to a 1.5 million gap in May.

While this gap is slowly closing, it is important to remember that today's market continues to favor the job seeker. Lengthy interview processes, lack of flexibility and less competitive compensation can remove employers from a candidate's consideration very quickly. Employers must be more in tune than ever with what their employees and candidates want and need in order to attract and retain the talent they need.

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Average hourly earnings rose by 0.3% in June, aligning with expectations. On an annual basis, wages increased by 3.9% compared to June 2023. This consistent wage growth indicates that workers are experiencing real income gains, which can help sustain consumer spending and overall economic growth.

The June 2024 employment report showcases a resilient labor market with strong job creation and steady wage growth. While the slight rise in the unemployment rate reflects a growing labor force, the overall outlook remains positive. Policymakers and business leaders must continue to focus on sustaining this momentum while addressing underlying challenges to ensure long-term economic health and inclusive growth.

It is important to remember that one month does not make a trend and hiring and unemployment still remain healthy by historic standards. There is still tough competition for top talent in the labor market and if you need talent to serve your clients or grow your business, the time to start searching is NOW!

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