Strategic Recruitment
Dare to Care in the Workplace - What Effective Leaders Do Differently
The pandemic has changed the workplace forever, but is your company built to falter or thrive in the new hybrid environment? In our ongoing podcast and blog series, we explore ways to build a strong company culture and navigate the new way to work—from home, or anywhere, together.
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Strategic Recruitment
Best Ways to Show Your People Come First
It makes sense, backed by a multitude of studies, that happy employees are more productive.
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Strategic Recruitment
Recruitment is a Sales Process Step #1: Finding Quality Candidates
Recruitment is a priority equal to all your other top business priorities. Like them, it requires a strategy. For years, we’ve advised companies that they should think of recruitment as a sales process. For most leaders, that takes a different mindset. In today’s competitive job market, where...
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Strategic Recruitment
Wading into Another Year of Unknowns
Most leaders understand that a positive culture is critical to success. But too few know how to build and sustain the human-centric workplaces employees not only look for from employers today but refuse to work for any that lack humanity. The pace of change and challenge over the past few years...
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Strategic Recruitment
Two Pillars of Building Community
It’s time we broaden and appreciate our concept of community since it surrounds us in nearly every aspect of our lives. Community begins with our families and friends and extends outward to our memberships in churches, clubs, groups that share our passion for everything from hobbies to golf, the...
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Strategic Recruitment
The First Sign You're Not Leading with Empathy
How we approach others can either shut people down or deeply engage them. Often, we play a role rather than show up as our authentic selves, wearing different masks for home, friends, and work so we can be seen in a certain way. Many leaders, particularly those tied to yesterday’s leadership...
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Strategic Recruitment
How to Build a Camelot Culture and Win Top Talent
In case it slipped by you, there was a critical culture shift in 2020 when the concept of employee engagement was replaced by “employee experience.” This is not semantics. It’s a new perspective on how employees should be treated in the workplace. It requires that employers create the same positive...
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Building Faith to Survive the Great Resignation
We are in the throes of a “great resignation” that’s bigger than anyone expected. According to the Department of Labor, a record four million workers quit in April alone, and Gallup research finds that 48 percent of our working population is currently searching actively for a job or watching for...
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Candidate Assessment
Leading to Attract and Retain Top Talent
So, you’ve found the right person for a critical role in your business: the skills and experience you need, solid character and values, fun personality, and cultural fit. You know this person is interviewing with other companies … what’s the one thing you can do as a leader to make sure this...
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Strategic Recruitment
How to stem the tide of turnover
A “title wave of turnover,” a “turnover tsunami,” call it what you like, but 52 percent of employees plan to leave their jobs in 2021, a 43 percent increase over the two previous years, according to Achievers’ data. Most people quit or stay for reasons related to your workplace environment....
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