Strategic Recruitment
Engaged Employees Don't Quietly Quit
We’ve experienced “quiet” or “ghost” quitting by disgruntled workers over the years, but it has become common enough recently to earn an official name. “Quiet quitting” means that you still do your job, but limit your effort to the minimum
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Strategic Recruitment
Recruitment is a Sales Process Step #1: Finding Quality Candidates
Recruitment is a priority equal to all your other top business priorities. Like them, it requires a strategy. For years, we’ve advised companies that they should think of recruitment as a sales process. For most leaders, that takes a different mindset. In today’s competitive job market, where...
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Building Faith to Survive the Great Resignation
We are in the throes of a “great resignation” that’s bigger than anyone expected. According to the Department of Labor, a record four million workers quit in April alone, and Gallup research finds that 48 percent of our working population is currently searching actively for a job or watching for...
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Strategic Recruitment
How to stem the tide of turnover
A “title wave of turnover,” a “turnover tsunami,” call it what you like, but 52 percent of employees plan to leave their jobs in 2021, a 43 percent increase over the two previous years, according to Achievers’ data. Most people quit or stay for reasons related to your workplace environment....
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Make hourly hiring human again
For decades, we’ve tended to treat hourly workers, those at the lower-skill, lower-pay end of our businesses, as expendable and “less than” as candidates and employees. These people, as important to our business as any other, represent about 58 percent of the U.S. labor force according to the...
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Strategic Recruitment
Build a pipeline for diversity and inclusiveness
The entire world is talking about diversity and inclusion. They’re in vogue now, but we all know that welcoming diversity and being inclusive have always been the right things to do. Right, but not necessarily simple. Believing in them, talking about them, naming them as core values, and...
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Right-on-the-nose recruiting for top people
Employment today is as much about purpose and relationship as it is about the job. Why do you do what you do—can you express it clearly? And what’s so special about your leadership—why would people want to follow you into battle every day? How well do you communicate your “why” to candidates and...
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Setting Crucial Expectations for Remote Work
Wi-Fi makes location irrelevant. No matter how much the distance between you and your remote team, setting expectations provides the road map you need to achieve your goals. Clear, mutual expectations enable you to establish milestones and celebrate progress; delegate more easily and hold people...
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