Championships Are Won at Practice—in Baseball and Business: Equip Your Managers with the Tools for Successful Hiring
You wouldn’t send your kid off to join Little League without at least buying a mitt and tossing a ball around in the backyard a few times first. You might even take in a game or two together so you could share that special baseball spirit while you explain the nuances of the game. You’d do all of...
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Solving your People Puzzle - Using a Gap Analysis
Too often, people are an afterthought in the planning process. Just as you gauge your capabilities and needs for things like equipment, suppliers, facilities, and finances, you should consider whether you have the right people on board to meet your business objectives. In fact, there’s nothing...
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How many planes do women have to fly?
Myths about women probably started about the time of Adam and Eve, creating dilemmas and dichotomies of every sort ever since. Women’s History Month, marking its 30th year, is a prime example of our persistent issues around women. Every March, we honor women for their achievements, which are...
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Don’t Trust Your Gut—Assess and Be Sure
Your people are your greatest assets, and the people you hire to create and manage all of your other assets. Thinking about it in this way, who can argue that there is anything more important to your business than who you hire?
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Onboarding—A Vital Piece of the People Puzzle
Let me give you a few facts about onboarding:
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