Why Employees Quit and What You Can Do About It
The reality is that your employees are looking for or open to new opportunities (as discussed previously). In some cases, you want to do whatever you can to keep someone happy and working for your company. But in other cases, it's better for the employee and the company to part ways. In Kathleen...
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Admit That Your Employees Are Looking
Here's a cold, hard truth: Your employees are looking for other jobs. In CEO Kathleen Quinn Votaw's new book, Solve the People Puzzle: How High Growth Companies Attract and Retain Top Talent, she reminds employers that their employees are continuously looking for other jobs or being approached by...
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Insights from ITR: Promising February Job Growth=Time to Hire
ITR Economics is an established, highly respected economic research and consulting firm. As one of our partners in excellence and a fellow Vistage member, we often turn to them for insight and analysis into current economic trends and market conditions, which greatly affect the hiring and...
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What IS the People Puzzle? And Why Should You Try to Solve It?
Executives list attracting and retaining top talent as their #1 issue. This is the people puzzle, and it’s time for a solution.
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Solve the People Puzzle: How High Growth Companies Attract and Retain Top Talent
Solve the People Puzzle, written by TalenTrust CEO Kathleen Quinn Votaw, will be available for purchase on Amazon February 4th, 2016 - less than a month away now! - and we know that it will be an invaluable resource to C-level executives of high-growth companies. The book features compelling...
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2016 Tips and Resolutions
CEOs have always been charged with setting the company’s strategic direction, deciding which long-term growth opportunities to seize, and building greatness out of those choices. They’ve also served as the public face of the organization and as the steward of the company’s values and culture. None...
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Strong enough to be vulnerable and kind
When someone asks “How are you?” why don’t we answer honestly? It should be okay to mention that we are struggling with a problem or concern, but instead we bury any chance of connection by saying something like “I’m fine, thanks.” Without going into a lot of detail, we should be honest. Being...
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Hiring for Long-Term Growth: The TalenTrust Process
Hiring shouldn't feel like a fire drill every time, nor should it feel like a series of disconnected transactions. At TalenTrust, we help you rethink your hiring strategy as more of an ongoing sales process. Though many companies come to us with a specific open position they are looking to fill...
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Planning Your 2016 Hiring Strategy
This month on the blog, we'll be talking about how you know when it's time to hire and how you should be tailoring your hiring strategy to your growth goals, as well as other considerations. One thing that we at TalenTrust strongly advise is to anticipate hiring needs and start developing a hiring...
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